What is Appendicitis?
Appendicitis is a potentially serious condition that occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. The appendix protrudes from the colon on the lower right hand side of the abdomen and until recently, medical experts did not think it served any significant purpose. Recent research suggests that it may have some uses after all. If you are interested in learning more, you can click on this link.
A person with appendicitis experiences pain in the lower right part of their abdomen. The pain usually starts in the navel area before moving down the body. As the inflammation gets worse, the pain can increase in severity until it becomes almost unbearable.
While anybody can suffer from appendicitis at any stage of their lives, it is more common in younger people from the age of 10 to 30. Because of the serious complications that can be caused by a ruptured appendix, surgery to remove the organ is standard practice. Around 250,000 people in the US alone undergo surgery each year to have their appendix removed.
Symptoms of Appendicitis
Appendicitis is accompanied by a number of common symptoms including the following common signs:
- A sudden pain pain starting in the lower right hand side of the abdomen.
- A pain around the naval area that gradually moves down o the lower abdomen.
- Pain that gets worse if you move quickly, cough or otherwise strain yourself.
- Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Constipation.
- Bloating in the abdomen.
- Lack of appetite.
- A fever that gets gradually worse with the progress of the illness.
The precise site of the pain experienced can vary depending on a person’s age or the exact positioning of the appendix. Pregnant women for example may feel the pain higher in the abdomen because pregnancy shifts the organ further up .
You should see a doctor if you are in any way concerned that you are suffering from appendicitis. If the pain is intense, it could indicate that the appendix is about to rupture and emergency surgery required.
The home remedies that we are covering in this article are in no way meant to replace a professional doctor’s advise but may be useful as adjutant treatments.
Causes of Appendicitis
The most common cause of appendicitis is a blockage in the organ’s lining resulting from an infection. Bacteria can multiply very rapidly causing the organ to become swollen, inflamed and full of pus. If the condition is not treated in good time, the appendix may rupture causing serious and potentially life threatening complications.
Appendicitis typically requires the surgical removal of the appendix. Prior to surgery, antibiotics may be prescribed to help prevent further infection.
An appendectomy may be performed through open surgery or through less invasive laparoscopic surgery. The advantage of laparoscopic surgery is faster recovery and healing time with considerably less pain or scarring. However, if the appendix has already ruptured or the infection has actually spread beyond your appendix, open surgery may be necessary.
Home Remedies for Appendicitis
Surgery is usually done a few weeks after the infection has been controlled. In the meantime, you may get some natural help from a variety of home remedies. These are some of the best home treatments to help deal with the pain and inflammation caused by the illness.
1) Garlic
Garlic has been well-researched and scientists have found that it has amazing healing potential. It contains excellent anti-inflammatory properties which may help to relieve the inflammation and ease the pain caused by the illness.
- Try eating a few raw cloves of garlic each day and adding plenty to your cooking.
- Garlic is also available in supplementary capsule form
2) Ginger
Like garlic, ginger has outstanding anti-inflammatory potential which can help to ease the inflammation in your appendix and relieve some of your pain. If you feel nauseous because of your illness, ginger can also help to ease the nausea and stop you from vomiting.
One of the best ways to get ginger into your system is to make a ginger tea.
- Grate up some fresh ginger root and add a teaspoon to a cup or mug of boiling water.
- Let the mixture steep for at least ten minutes and drink it down.
Massaging ginger essential oil into the lower abdomen is another effective treatment. Make sure that you dilute your essential with a carrier oil before applying it to your skin.
3) Castor Oil
Good old Castor oil has plenty of medicinal uses and can be used to treat appendicitis symptoms at home. Castor oil packs help ease pain and relieve inflammation while taken the oil internally can teat constipation and irregular bowel movement.
- To make a castor oil pack, fold a large dishcloth or thin towel into a number of layers.
- Pour two or three tablespoons of your castor oil onto the cloth.
- Lay down and place the cloth over your lower abdomen.
- Repeat daily or every other day.
4) Fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds might also help treat many of the symptoms of appendicitis. They can prevent toxins and waste from building in the intestines and reduce the risk of further infection and inflammation. They may also help ease some of the pain you are experiencing.
- Add 2 or 3 teaspoons of your seeds to a cup or so of water and put in a pan.
- Bring the water to the boil and simmer for a while.
- Strain out the seeds and allow to cool.
- Drink up daily.
5) Mint
Mint is another healthy herb with a number of uses which include treating some of the symptoms of appendicitis like bloating, nausea or vomiting. You can either chew on some fresh mint leaves or make a fresh cup of mint tea.
- Add a tablespoon or so of mint leaves into a mug or a cup of freshly boiled water.
- Let it steep for around 10 minutes.
- Then strain then add a little raw honey to taste.
- Drink up several times a day.
6) Lemon
The citrus juices on lemons are great for relieving many digestive issues like constipation, indigestion and pain. Lemons are also packed with vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system to stave off infection.
- Squeeze the juice out of a fresh lemon.
- Stir in a similar amount of good quality raw honey like manuka and mix well.
- Take twice daily.
7) Basil
Basil can help be used as a natural remedy for low grade fevers symptomatic of appendicitis. The herb does not only help reduce body temperature but can also help remedy various digestive symptoms like gas, bloating and indigestion.
- Take a handful of fresh basil leaves and boil them along with a teaspoon of ginger in a mug of water.
- Boil the mixture until it has reduced to around half.
- Strain and add raw honey to taste.
8) Ginseng
Ginseng has excellent anti-inflammatory properties which may help relieve some of the inflammation and pain experienced with appendicitis.
You can buy ready made ginseng tea or make your own with fresh ginseng.
9) A Fiber-Rich Diet
There is evidence that regular bouts of constipation may contribute towards appendix inflammation. According to one study, a diet low in fiber may increase the risk of a person developing the condition.
Fiber is especially helpful for digestive health but may also protect against a variety of illnesses including appendicitis.
To get more fiber into your system, eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit, wheat germ, brown rice, beans, prunes and seeds.
Note: Appendicitis can be a very serious condition. It is important that you see a doctor immediately if you are in any way concerned or are experiencing any of the symptoms.
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