We have looked at the health effects of a number of herbs here at healthyfocus. Many of these are pretty well known and commonly used while others are slightly more obscure. Pueraria mirifica may not trip off the tongue nor be especially well-known. However, a growing body of … [Read more...]
The Health Benefits of Kaffir Lime
Thai food is famous around the world and for very good reason. It uses a wide variety of herbs and spices that give the food its incredible flavor. When I moved to Thailand a number of years ago, I noticed that many of the dishes had a similar citrus flavor. It took a long time … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Phyllanthus Niruri- Gale of the Wind
When it comes to health, the plant kingdom has a great deal to offer. Long before the advent of modern medicine, people identified plants for their health benefits and traditional systems of medicine continued to use them. Phyllanthus nuri is one such plant with a very long … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Blue Butterfly Pea
Over the past few years, a blue-colored tea has been heavily marketed here in Thailand. Blue butterfly pea tea is touted for its medicinal qualities and is becoming increasingly popular in this part of the world. I decided to take a look at these claims and found that there was a … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Rhinacanthus Nasutus : Snake Jasmine
We have looked at the potential health benefits of any number of herbs here on Healthyfocus. Some are extremely well-known and commonly used while others are much less renowned and known only to those where the plant grows. While it is commonly used as a herbal remedy in my … [Read more...]