Last Updated on July 17, 2018 by Marc Seward
What Are Red Moles?
Red moles, better known as cherry angiomas, are very common skin growths that may appear on many areas of the body although they are most commonly found on areas of the torso, shoulders, arms, and legs.
They may also sometimes be referred to as senile angiomas or as Campbell de Morgan spots. Generally speaking, the growths are harmless and shouldn’t be worried about unless they start to bleed or change in appearance, which could be symptoms of developing skin cancer.
Red moles can be identified by their characteristic bright red appearance. The growths are either in the shape of a circle or oval and are typically very small. The size may range anywhere from a single pinpoint to having a diameter of approximately one-quarter of an inch. While some growths are slightly raised from the skin, there may also be many that appear to be smooth and even with the surface of the skin.
Although red moles, or cherry angiomas, are commonly referred to as skin growths, it is important to keep in mind that the spots are not growths at all. Instead, they’re actually just collections of blood vessels that gather close to the surface of the skin.
Adults between the ages of 30 and 50 years old tend to be more susceptible to this skin condition but the development of these spots is nothing to be worried about as they are not cancerous or harmful in any way.
Conditions Similar to Cherry Angiomas
Red spots or growths are actually very common and may be due to other conditions, not just cherry angiomas. If you notice any red spots or growths anywhere on your skin, you should speak with your doctor to determine what the condition is and whether or not it is harmless or needs to be treated.
Other conditions that show red spots include spider angiomas, rosacea, and telangiectasia. Of these, telangiectasia is the most harmful and could be a sign of a serious underlying health condition, which is why speaking with a doctor to identify the condition is so important.
What to Do If You Have Red Moles
If you notice red spots anywhere on your skin, speak with your doctor immediately. From there, you will have a better starting point to determine your next steps based on what the condition actually is. If it is shown that you have cherry angiomas or a similar harmless condition, then there is nothing you have to worry about. While the condition won’t just go away on its own, it’s highly unlikely to cause any harm to your body.
With that said, you should immediately go back to see your doctor if you notice that the spots are changing in color, shape, or size. Overall, this is essentially the only reason why you might consider seeking necessary treatment from a doctor. Otherwise, treatment would merely be for cosmetic reasons if you are unhappy with the way the spots look on your skin.
Medical Treatments for Red Moles
Treatment is only necessary for red moles if you are unhappy with the way the spots look or if the moles are raised and are located in an area that would frequently become irritated, causing bleeding. There are many procedures that may be recommended by your doctor and some may be more convenient or effective than others.
Electrocauterization is a surgical procedure where the spots are actually burned off with an electric current through a small probe.
On the other hand, cryosurgery instead involves freezing the spots with liquid nitrogen. Generally speaking, this procedure tends to be much quicker and more convenient as it should only take one session and there is not much maintenance or treatment required after the surgery.
Laser Surgery
You may also seek a laser surgery that uses a pulsed dye laser to give off enough heat necessary to destroy the spot. This is also a quick procedure, depending on how many spots you have, and it should only result in light bruising that should last no more than around ten days.
Shave Excision
There is also another procedure called shave excision that involves scraping or shaving the spots off of the top layer of the skin. While this is certainly more invasive than the other procedure options, it is actually a far less invasive option than procedures that involve cutting or digging out the growths and stitching the wounds back up after. The procedure has been developed enough that scarring is unlikely but it is still possible due to the nature of the procedure.
Natural Ways to Treat Red Moles
Luckily, you might not even have to talk to your doctor about surgical procedures at all. If your doctor has diagnosed you with cherry angiomas, there are actually several options for natural treatments that you could pursue in the comfort of your own home. Most of these home remedies involve natural substances or foods that are either very easy to find or that you likely already have in your cabinets or refrigerator.
Apple Cider Vinegar
One option is to use apple cider vinegar to cure the red spots. It contains high amounts of acetic acid, which is an ingredient known to provide powerful cleansing and toning benefits for the skin. If it is applied frequently and consistently, apple cider vinegar could change the color of the spots over time and then eliminate them completely from the skin.
Sour Apple Juice
Similarly, sour apple juice could also be used if you are unable to handle the smell of apple cider vinegar even though sour apple juice is much less potent than the other.
Pineapple Juice
Another acidic juice that could help treat cherry angiomas is pineapple. The enzymes and citric acid present in this juice could help treat skin conditions such as acne, blackheads, or even pimples.
With that in mind, pineapple juice could potentially help prevent the development of red spots and even lighten or shrink any spots that have already shown on the skin. Yuk onion juice also contains acids and chemical compounds that could help heal red spots.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Essential oils are very popular treatment options for various skin conditions and cherry angiomas are no different. Tea tree essential oil is found in many skincare products for its antibacterial properties as well as many others. It is often used to help treat rashes, irritations, fungal infections, discoloration, or inflammation. These abilities could help reduce the appearance of the red spots on your skin.
Before applying any essential oils to your skin, it is important to dilute them in a suitable carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba. Even though tea tree oil is well-tolerated in general, it can still cause a reaction when not diluted properly.
Other Essential Oils
While tea tree oil is the most popular oil treatment for cherry angioma, certain other oils are also used as ingredients in commercial angioma treatments, These include chamomile, orange and lavender essential oils.
Simply mix between 5 and ten drop of your essential oil with a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil and apply the mixture to the affected part of your skin twice a day. This remedy is also suitable for a range of other skin and scalp conditions.
Sandalwood and Basil Leaves
Another potential natural treatment option includes a combination of sandalwood and basil leaves. These two natural substances have actually been considered to be powerful treatments for various skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis, for a long time.
Both substances are full of nutrients that provide a lot of helpful properties to treat bacterial and fungal infections as well as prevent breakouts of many kinds.
Iodine and Cherry Angiomas
Many scientists have shown a link between a lack of iodine in the body and the development of cherry angiomas. Although there haven’t been nearly enough studies on the subject to confirm this, many people have noted that increasing the consumption or intake of iodine has helped reduce the appearance of the red spots on their skin.
You can get iodine from supplements or from iodine-rich foods including strawberries, cranberries, yogurt, or sea vegetables (such as seaweed).
Using Wart Treatments for Cherry Angiomas
Although this isn’t entirely proven, it seems that cherry angiomas react well to various types of wart treatments. You may choose to get over-the-counter medications for warts and use them on your red spots but there are also some other options you could consider.
For example, some people have said that using duct tape to cover the red spots could be useful in waiting for them to simply fall off. Be careful when using wart remedies for cherry angiomas, however, as they may cause skin irritation or become very expensive, only being suitable for small collections of spots in the end.
Things to Keep in Mind
As mentioned, red warts are rarely dangerous. The only thing to typically worry about with cherry angiomas is that they may bleed when bumped or nicked so be careful if the spots are located on easily exposed areas of the skin. There are some signs, however, that you can look out for to see if the spots are actually dangerous, in which case you should speak with your doctor immediately.
Red moles, or cherry angiomas, will typically be symmetrical in shape with a clear border around the spot. Moles are also only considered moles if they are less than one centimeter, or 0.4 inches, in diameter. The color is also important as red moles should only be a single, unchanging color. If you notice any of these characteristics changing over time, then the spots are not moles and you should speak with a doctor immediately.
In the end, cherry angiomas are harmless and medical treatment is typically only a last resort for people who are extremely unhappy with the way the spots look on their skin. Luckily, however, there are several different natural treatments that you could consider instead. These natural treatments have all been proven to be effective in some capacity even if they don’t eliminate the spots completely.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I remove Cherry Angioma at home?
Because they are typically harmless, most people will not need to seek medical treatment to remove their red moles. However, some people would like rid of them for cosmetic reasons or if they are easily bumped leading to bleeding. While there are medical procedures available there are also certain home treatments that can help. These include apple cider vinegar, tea tree, lavender and chamomile essential oil.
What is the cause of red moles?
The precise cause of red moles remains unknown but there are certain risk factors. These include genetic factors, exposure to chemicals, pregnancy, certain medical issues and climate. There is also a link between red moles and age. They usually appear in people over the age of 30 and both their size and their number appear to increase with age. One study found that 75% of all people over the age of 75 have red moles. (1)
How do you tell the difference between skin cancer and cherry angioma?
The majority of angiomas are completely harmless and cherry angioma is mot in itself liked to cancer. Of course, this does not mean that a person with a cherry angioma does not have a skin cancer growth elsewhere on the body.
In very rare cases, an angioma may contain cancerous cells or a very small lesion that could be cancerous. If the angioma is suspected to be cancerous, your doctor will recommend a biopsy as a precautionary measure.
To make sure that skin cancer does not go unnoticed and untreated, it is essential that you pay close attention to any skin growths especially to changes in color and size. Make sure that you regularly check the appearance of moles, freckles and other growths that develop on the skin. This is especially important as we age. If you notice that the color, size or texture of the growths has changed or if the growth starts bleeding then you should consult your doctor.
Signs of melanoma include an increase in size of the mole, the skin becoming darker the mole changing color or moles and growths with irregular shapes.
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