Should you Try to Pop a Cyst?
I am sure many of you have watched the online videos of people bursting gigantic pus-filled cysts at home. Why anybody would enjoy watching them is beyond me but that is another matter entirely. Is it actually safe to pop your cysts or to perform any other type of surgery at home in order to get rid of them.
The simple answer to that question is ‘absolutely not’. You should never consider home surgery on a sebaceous cyst or any other large cyst. Itis not be compared to squeezing out a blackhead or a small pimple. Trying to remove a large cyst at home can leave you with scarring, may well lead to infection and is highly unlikely to work at all.
There is also a big difference between cystic acne caused by hormones and the much larger sebaceous cysts that can occur on a person’s skin. If you have noticed that a cyst has started to develop somewhere on your skin, try not to worry, they are almost always harmless. Having said that, resist the temptation to lance it or burst it yourself and always go to a doctor if you are concerned about it.
Types of Cyst
There are actually hundreds of different types of cyst that can occur all over the body both internally and on the skin. This article is only looking at the more common and usually harmless types of cyst which can be treated at home or very easily by your doctor. There are also a number of effective home remedies for treating cysts.
Sebaceous Cysts
Sebaceous cysts are very common cysts which occur on the skin. They can occur anywhere on the body but most often develop on the neck, face, back and torso.
Sebaceous cysts develop gradually over time and are usually quite harmless. They can however become extremely large and cause discomfort when left to grow for a long time. When infected, they become filled with foul-smelling puss and are often very painful and tender. If your cyst is infected, you should visit a doctor who may prescribe antibiotic cream or recommend surgical removal.
Many people choose to have a sebaceous cyst surgically removed for cosmetic reasons not because they are life-threatening. A sebaceous cyst is usually diagnosed through a simple examination but they are sometimes examined thoroughly to ensure they are benign.
Ganglion Cysts
Ganglion cysts are jelly filled lumps which typically occur around the joints and tendons of the wrists, ankles and hands. They can vary in size from pea sized to an inch or so in diameter. They are benign and generally harmless but when left untreated can become uncomfortable and interfere with joint mobility.
Pilonidal Cysts
A pilonidal cyst usually develops on your tailbone above a person’s buttocks and resemble and resemble a large pimple. When they become infected, they fill with pus and can become tender and painful. They are more common among men than in women..
More often than not, just leaving your cyst alone is the best way to deal with them. In fact, if you mess about with them too much, you may make matters worse. Never try lancing and squeezing your cyst; this will increase the chance of infection and you will not fully remove the cyst in the same way as a surgical removal can do.
1. Keep the Cyst Clean
Keeping the cyst clean as well as the surrounding area of skin can help to prevent further complications. Sebaceous cysts can form wherever there are hair follicles and where sebum – the skin’s lubricant is formed. When the sebum glands get plugged or infected, a cyst might form. Logically, this would imply that keeping the skin, especially the hairier areas of skin as clean as possible can help prevent cysts from forming in the first place.
2. Surgical Removal
If your cyst is situated in an awkward part of the body like the face or the genitals, then surgical removal is an option. Sebaceous cysts can easily be treated by your doctor mostly under just a local anesthetic.
Your doctor will lance the cyst, squeeze all of the pus and fluid out and remove the sack to ensure it does not grow back. Larger cysts may require more drastic treatment and are sometimes cut out entirely.
As we have already mentioned in this article, you must never try to perform this type of surgery at home. You are very likely to make matters worse and end up visiting the doctor in any case.
3. Home Remedies
While attempting to remove your cyst surgically at home is absolutely not a good idea, there are certain at home remedies that you can try to help manage your cyst. There are various effective home remedies that may help treat sebaceous cysts as well as other common cysts like ganglion and pilonidal cysts.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree essential oil contains excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which can help treat your cysts safely and naturally.
Dilute the oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your cyst with a cotton ball. Cover the cyst with a band-aid and let it get to work. It will keep the cyst clean and free of infection.
Warm Compress
Applying heat to your cyst is one of the best and simplest ways of keeping them under control. The heat from a warm compress helps dilate your blood vessels improving the blood flow and nutrient transport to the affected area.
Soak a cloth or towel on some warm eater and apply the compress to your cyst for 2 minutes a few times each day.
Aloe Vera Gel
You can apply fresh aloe vera gel to your cyst to hasten the healing process especially if your cyst is infected and sore. It has excellent antibacterial properties that can treat the infection and prevent it from getting any worse.
Castor Oil
Applying some Castor oil to your cyst several times daily is another effective way of keeping your cysts clean and free of pain and irritation. Castor oil contains an antibacterial compound – ricin which gives the oil its excellent therapeutic properties.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel possesses excellent astringent properties due to its tannin content. When applied to your cyst can help to tighten your skin and reduce the oil secretions that may be responsible for the cyst’s formation.
Bottom Line
In summary, there are plenty of ways to take care of your cyst. Often the best course of action is to do nothing or as little as possible as messing around with them can cause further problems. However entertaining people may find those popular videos of people bursting those enormous cysts, you really should never try doing that at home. The risk of infection from trying to perform home surgery is very real and you are highly unlikely to remove the entire cyst.
As you can see, there are plenty of home remedies that can help ease the irritation and keep your cysts free of irritation. Medical treatment is also an option of your cyst is especially uncomfortable or cosmetically embarrassing.
In the words of dermatologist – Dr. Jeanette Graf : “It is important to stress the need to resist the urge to pop a cyst on your own and squeeze it out since the risk of infection is very real”
She recommends that if you have a growth, you should see a dermatologist to make sure it is benign. She goes on to say “the cardinal rule is don’t play with it, don’t manipulate it, and don’t try to drain it.”
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