For most of us, unfortunately life is full of aches and pains to varying degrees. Athletes are almost bound to suffer from injury at some point whereas just the act of living can cause a cumulative wear and tear on our joints and muscles. Most everybody suffers from headaches … [Read more...]
How to get wax out of ear
What Causes Ear Wax? While ear wax can be problematic, it is produced for good reason and plays an important role in your general health. Ear wax protects the ear against intrusion by bacteria and other external irritants as well as acting as a lubricant. In normal amounts, … [Read more...]
Melasma Natural Treatment
We worship the sun. Unfortunately, catching those glorious rays can have a damaging effect on the skin. Melasma is where brown patches start to appear on the skin, especially on the forehead, cheeks, chin, and upper-lip area. These brown spots are mainly the result of the … [Read more...]
Adrenal Fatigue Diet
Feeling tired? Stressed? Irritable? Overwhelmed? There is a chance you might be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. It is likely that your current diet and lifestyle is what is making you feel lousy. Statistics have found that an average of 80% of Americans suffer from … [Read more...]
Essential Oils for Colds
No one is safe! The common cold can be lurking on any surface; incubating in any person; waiting to strike. A notorious opportunist, the common cold will jump from one person to the next, expelled via sneeze, finding its way into a new vessel through the nose, eyes, or … [Read more...]