Causes of a sore throat The winter months commonly bring with them a number of nasty and annoying illnesses and you might well find yourself coughing and spluttering and developing a soreness in your throat. Of course, sore throats are not limited exclusively to the winter … [Read more...]
10 Proven Health Benefits of Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola Health Benefits Known locally here in Thailand as bua-bog and more commonly known by its Chinese name gotu kola, the scientifically named Centella asiatica has been used in Asia for several thousand years for its health and healing properties. Gotu kola is used for a … [Read more...]
The Real Benefits of Lemon Water
Lemon Water Benefits For just about as long as I can remember, I have woken up and before doing anything else made sure that the kettle was turned on in preparation of the first cup of coffee of the day, and the second and the third. Following a recent health scare, I felt that … [Read more...]
Essential Oils For Anxiety and Depression
Anybody that has suffered from anxiety during their lives is fully aware of its debilitating nature. The exhaustion, the lack of appetite and the tightening muscles are an all too familiar feeling. All around you feel absolutely miserable. Believe me when I say that I know how … [Read more...]
9 Benefits of Camphor Essential Oil and Potential Hazards
Camphor Essential Oil Camphor essential oil or Cinnamon Camphora is a powerful oil with a wide range of excellent health benefits. Other names include Laurus camphora, Hon-Sho, and True Camphor. While the essential oil is usually referred to as camphor oil, it is actually only … [Read more...]