What Is May Chang Essential Oil? If you want to enhance the looks of your skin, May Chang essential oil is the oil to use. This oil is primarily grown in China and comes from a tree—the May Chang tree—that prefers sunny and hilly landscapes and sparsely forested areas. This skin … [Read more...]
The Top 5 Essential Oils for Moles
What is a Mole? A mole on the skin is a raised spot that is round. A mole may be large or small and can vary in hue from a dark pink to a brown or black. Moles can appear on various areas of the body and can be removed with the use of certain simple home treatments including a … [Read more...]
Research Based Essential Oils for Snoring
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Sania Iqbal MBBS, B.Sc - Reviewed & Approved on April 02, 2019 -Written by Andrew If you have ever lived with a snorer, you certainly have my sympathies; most everybody snores from time to time but when the snoring is more constant it can cause … [Read more...]
Do Fitness Trackers Work?
JAMA says Fitness Trackers are Worthless? And maybe WORSE than worthless—they could actually make you more FAT! (1) But did the JAMA study really say that? Yeah, well for my money I doubt this study truly says all some are hyping it up to say. I think some in the media wanted to … [Read more...]
How to Avoid weight gain on this Holiday Weekend
10 Easy tips to Avoid weight gain on this Holiday Weekend Eat normal breakfast with good amount of protein. If you go to a gathering hungry—you are more likely to over-eat Eat more protein—it should help make you feel more full. Avoid empty carbs that will keep you … [Read more...]