Last Updated on September 17, 2019 by Marc Seward
What is black pepper essential oil used for?
The musky, spicy aroma of black pepper essential oil adds warmth and energy to any situation. Once used as currency more valuable than gold, this essential oil remains to be a popular aid in treating various ailments and boosting sagging spirits.
The essential oil is extracted from the dried fruit of Piper Nigrum; the black pepper plant.
Popular with athletes, black pepper essential oil melts tension away from used and abused muscles while others love the sharp mental clarity inhaling the scent brings. However you choose to enjoy this oil, you will find that black pepper essential oil is indeed as good as gold.
Black Pepper Essential Oil Composition
Some of the major active components of Black Pepper Essential Oil include Beta-Caryophyllene, Eugenol, Limonene, Delta-3-Carene, Sabinene, Alpha-Pinene, and Terinen-4-ol. (1), (2), (3), (4)
Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits
The powerful scent of black pepper essential oil may be sharper than other essential oils, however, you will find that this strong scent will warm and soothe you while providing your body and spirit with numerous benefits.
Antioxidant-Free Radical Fighter
Black pepper essential oil is filled to the brim with antioxidants. This vial of warmth protects your body from roaming free radicals that ravage your body and skin.
Not only does black pepper essential oil offer protection from the adverse health effects caused by free radicals, but it also helps to reverse damage already done. By consistently using black pepper essential oil, you will find decreased fine lines in the skin, and an improvement in memory and joint and muscle function.
Antibacterial-Balance Your Biome
Our mouths, digestive systems, colons, and urinary tracts are crawling with bacteria. Fortunately, black pepper essential oil is a magnificent antibacterial that eliminates these creepy, crawling microbes. Consider keeping a bottle in your kitchen to disinfect food and protect yourself from bacterial infections.
Massage Away Muscle Spasms
This warming amber liquid soothes muscles in distress. If you’re suffering from muscle spasms, cramps, pulls, and convulsions, add a couple drops of black pepper essential oil to a carrier liquid and massage on the affected muscle to experience immediate relief.
Black pepper essential oil wakes up and energizes your whole digestive system. Salivary glands boost production in the mouth to the large intestine and the production of digestive juices increase to easily break down food and facilitate smooth digestion. A dash of black pepper oil is a great alternative to those who are on the bland diet or can’t consume chilies.
Banish Nicotine Cravings
If you are trying to quit smoking or cut back–black pepper essential oil may be a help. A 2013 Study found that inhaling black pepper essential oil significantly reduced cravings. (5) Another study done in a small Texas University town tested both Angelica and Black Pepper Essential Oil and found that both reduced cravings–Black Pepper reduced cravings more but Angelica lasted longer. (6)
Intestinal Health
In order to maintain healthy digestion and a strong immune system, your intestines have to be clean and in tip-top shape. Black pepper essential oil helps to purge the intestines while inhibiting infections from attacking the digestive and excretory systems.
Gas Relief
An unfortunate fact of life is that sometimes gas gets trapped in the intestines and causes painful bloating. It’s embarrassing, it is uncomfortable, and it can sometimes be painful enough to halt your day’s activities.
A drop or two of black pepper essential oil will not only release these trapped gasses but will also inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for painful gas in the first place.
Diuretic and Diaphoretic
Regular urination and sweating are vital to releasing toxins from your body and cooling you down when you’re too hot. Fortunately, by consuming a drop of black pepper essential oil, it encourages these two processes, clearing out your pores, removing extra fat and water from your body, reducing your blood pressure, and helping you to relax.
This hot oil encourages blood circulation and relieving muscle pain. To get the blood flowing to sluggish areas, mix a couple drops of black pepper essential oil with a carrier oil and massage the affected area. This will bring relief to tired and sore muscles and joints.
Muscle Pain
Suffering from stiff muscles and joints? Worked out a little too hard? Yoga routine a little too intense? By massaging black pepper essential oil and a carrier oil onto your achy muscles, you help to break down lactic acid build up and increase blood circulation.
Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may also find relief with black pepper essential oil. This warming liquid will add fluidity and loosen stiff joints, particularly during the wintertime. The antioxidant properties of black pepper essential oil remove toxins like uric acid from the blood, benefiting those suffering from chronic arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.
Many people use aromatherapy to relax and unwind from a taxing day. However, aromatherapy can also be used in the morning to jumpstart your day. In the middle of chaos, diffusing black pepper essential oil will help you remain sharp, focused, and alert.
If you’re suspicious that black pepper will make you sneeze or actually smell like pepper, fear not. Black pepper essential oil has an earthy, soft woody fragrance. Those who love warm musky smells will especially love this essential oil. Black pepper essential oil blends well with other essential oils.
What goes well with black pepper essential oil?
To create your own unique blend to address various ailments and therapeutic needs, consider mixing black pepper with lavender, sandalwood, clove, sage, lemon, lime, mandarin, grapefruit, bergamot, clary sage, clove, ylang-ylang, ginger, coriander, frankincense, and fennel.
How To Use Black Pepper Essential Oil
To experience the energizing therapeutic effects of black pepper essential oil, consider using it as an aromatherapy. The oil can be added to a diffuser, into a pot of hot water to use it as a steam, or a few drops can be added to a compress. Placing a couple drops of black pepper essential oil on a tissue or handkerchief can also help to alleviate nausea.
Black pepper essential oil works great as a compress for easing achy muscle and joins, especially in the wintertime.
Mix about ten drops of black pepper essential oil and about four ounces of warm water in a basin.
Soak a clean soft cloth into the mixture and apply the compress to the affected area.
Hold the compress to the area for a few minutes and reapply as necessary.
To melt away stress, soothe achy muscles, or relieve arthritis, consider adding a couple drops of black pepper essential oil to your next massage. Simply combine a few drops of essential oil in an unscented lotion and rub into the muscles in a circular motion.
Soles of Feet
Mix black pepper essential oil with a carrier oil and massage onto the soles of your feet. This will not only warm a chilled body but will help give you a boost of energy as well.
To add spice and flavor to meat, fish, and soups, add a drop to your food. This will also help aid in digestion. Beware, consuming too much black pepper essential oil can make you nauseous, so use sparingly.
Side Effects and Some Considerations:
You should always consult a physician prior to using essential oils for the treatment of any condition. A physician should be able to tell you if essential oils may have any adverse side effects, may complicate pre-existing conditions, or have negative effects when paired with other medications.
When purchasing black pepper essential oil or any other essential oil for that matter, make sure you are choosing a 100% pure therapeutic grade sold from a reputable source. Essential oils sold at discount prices are often cut with fillers and contain contaminants which can not only decrease the benefits of the oil but may also be harmful.
Like most essential oils, black pepper essential oil is not recommended for the use of pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, and children.
Some people may be sensitive to the use of essential oils, so perform a patch test before using the oil as a treatment.
When applying black pepper essential oil, always be sure to dilute in a carrier oil. Black pepper essential oil should not be applied near the eyes, in the ears, or near any other sensitive area. Plant Therapy makes a quality batch tested Black Pepper Essential oil.
Research References
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