Last Updated on March 16, 2018 by Marc Seward
It’s a scary thought, but chances are, you have got parasites living in your body. The World Health Organization reports that a whopping 3.5 Billion people have some sort of parasite calling their body home.
Parasitic infestations are extremely contagious, so contagious in fact, that casual contact with another person can set forth an infestation. Parasites can invade our body from the water we drink, the food we eat, and even the air we breathe.
Having a parasite infestation can make you feel ill and do a great deal of damage to your body, so its important to identify the parasite and flush them out. If you suspect that you may have a parasitic infection, there is a cleanse you can do at home to rid your body of the infection and steps you can take to protect yourself from further infestations.
Symptoms of a Parasitic Infestation
Often people don’t feel right or feel sick but don’t realize that it’s a parasitic infestation causing their illness. Different parasites affect different parts of the body and cause a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms are often mistaken for other symptoms. If you suspect that you have a parasitic infestation, here are some symptoms to watch out for:
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Gas and bloating
• Vomiting
• Rectal itching, especially at night
• Itchy ears and nose
• Allergies
• Food allergies
• Fatigue
• Insomnia
• Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
• Sugar cravings
• Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and rashes
• Anemia
• Anxiety
• Coughing or wheezing
• Athlete’s foot or toe fungus
How you Contract Parasites
It is unsettling how easy it is to contract a parasitic infection. One of the easiest ways to contract a parasitic infestation is to improperly wash and handle uncooked food. This goes for both meat and produce.
People may become affected with a parasitic infestation when they drink contaminated water. Travel increases risks of catching a parasite. Those taking antibiotics may have an increased risk of contracting as parasite as antibiotics tend to kill off good intestinal flora vital to fighting off infection.
Types of Parasites
There are hundreds of parasites that can affect humans in a variety of ways. Listed below are examples of some of the most common parasites and how they enter the body.
Round worms
Round worms are usually found living in the stomach and intestines and enter your body via contaminated or undercooked food. Always be sure to thoroughly wash your produce. Wash hands after having contact with your pets, especially after handling their feces.
These small white worms are the most common worm infestation plaguing the United States. Pinworms live in the colon and rectum. At night, the female pinworm crawls out of the rectum and lays her eggs around the host’s anus, causing severe itching.
If the host scratches while they sleep, the eggs can get underneath their fingernails and spread to whatever they touch. Typically, pinworm infestations begin when the eggs are ingested. Children are most commonly affected by this infestation due to their less stringent hygiene practices.
Tapeworms live in the lower intestinal tract and enter the body by consuming undercooked beef, pork, or fish. To prevent a tapeworm infestation, always thoroughly cook meat, wear gloves when handling the meat, and always thoroughly wash the food preparation area.
Hookworms are tiny parasites affect your lungs and small intestine. This parasite can be found in contaminated water and can enter through the soles of your feet, even without open wounds. Hookworms can live in your system for years before producing symptoms.
How to Get Rid of Parasites Naturally
There are steps you can take at home to kill intestinal parasites naturally without taking harmful antibiotics. However, if you suspect that parasites are affecting your other organs, see a physician immediately. There are non-antibiotic options going the medical route.
To naturally and effectively cleanse your body of parasites, follow the following steps:
- Adjust your diet.
Parasites thrive off of a sugar-filled diet. To starve them out, avoid all sources of sugars, including honey, fruits, and grains. Instead, load up on non-starchy vegetables, good fats, and proteins. It is also recommended that you avoid dairy for a couple weeks. - Consume a fiber mix that will expedite the elimination process.
Parasites feast on the old, impacted fecal matter that lines our intestines. By consuming a high-quality fiber mix, you soften, loosen, and remove this old fecal matter. - Do a black walnut, clove, and wormwood cleanse to kill parasites.
- Take a probiotic that helps restore friendly flora in the gut. Healthy flora in the gut will help combat fungal and parasitic infestations that negatively affect your health.
The Black Walnut, Clove, and Wormwood Parasite Cleanse
Along with routinely washing your hands after using the bathroom and regularly doing a detoxifying clove cleanse, you can eliminate parasites from your body and reduce your chances of future infections. Cloves naturally kill parasites, and when combined with a couple other natural ingredients, you can face your parasitic infestation head on.
What you need
The following products can be found at your local health food store:
- Fresh cloves
- Black walnut hull tincture
- Wormwood
- Apple juice
Week one:
Mix 30 drops of black walnut hull tincture into one cup of apple juice and drink. Along with the black walnut hull tincture and apple juice mixture, take one wormwood capsule and one clove capsule. Be sure to follow this treatment three times a day, 30 minutes before each meal for 7 days.
Week two:
Continue to drink the black walnut hull tincture and apple juice mixture. Increase your wormwood and clove dosage to 2 pills each. Continue to take 3 times a day for 7 days.
Week three:
Continue to drink the 30 drops of black walnut tincture in a cup of apple juice. Once again you will increase your pill intake, taking 3 capsule each of wormwood and clove. Continue to take this treatment 3 times a day, 30 minutes before each meal. Although it sounds intimidating, follow this treatment for a period of 3 months to ensure you have eliminated all parasites.
Some Other Considerations
- Participating in a cleanse and removing parasites can be taxing on your body. During this process, it is important that you take extra good care of yourself. To feel your best during this process, exercise regularly, enjoy a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and limit your exposure to toxins.
- During this cleanse, try to avoid the sugar, grains, and carbs parasites love to feed on so much. Instead, eat starchy vegetables, proteins, and good fats.
- Be sure to drink plenty of water during this time. It is not only essential to drink lots of water to maintain good health, but it also helps to flush out the toxins as well.
- Soaking in a relaxing Epsom salt bath is recommended while participating in this parasite cleanse. Epsom salt will help remove the toxins through the skin and help with cleansing process.
- Unfortunately, parasites don’t just affect the intestinal tract, but can attack your vital organs as well, having damaging affect to your health. If you suspect that you have any sort of parasitic infection at all, consult your physician.
- Please consult with your physician before partaking on any sort of cleanse to make sure this treatment is right for you.
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