Teas for Sinus Issues
During the winter months, there is a very good chance that you will come down with some sort of respiratory complaint or sinus issue. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural home remedies that can relieve sinus infections and other similar conditions. Natural remedies include a variety of herbal teas that contain all the properties necessary to relieve your symptoms fast.
What is a Sinus Infection?
Sinusitis is a common complaint when the cavities surrounding the sinuses (nasal passages) get swollen and inflamed. When the symptoms do not clear with treatment for 12 or more weeks, the condition is known as chronic sinusitis.
Sinusitis disrupts normal drainage and causes a buildup of mucus. This can make breathing through the nose very uncomfortable and difficult. The face and area surrounding the eyes can swell and be painful to the touch.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Chronic and acute sinusitis have very similar symptoms. Acute sinusitis however is a more temporary infection and is often linked to the common cold. The symptoms for chronic sinusitis last for longer and typically cause fatigue. On the other hand, fever is a common symptom of acute sinusitis but far less common in people with chronic sinusitis.
In diagnosing sinusitis, doctors must see two or more of the following four major signs:
- Thick discharge coming from your nose or drainage running sown the throat.
- Nasal congestion which causes breathing troubles.
- Swelling, pain and tenderness around the cheeks, eyes and forehead.
- A diminished sense of taste and smell in adults and coughing in children.
Other common symptoms of sinusitis include the following:
- Ear pain.
- Aching in the teeth and upper jaw.
- Coughing
- Sore throat
- Halitosis
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Irritability
Causes of Sinusitis
- Virus : A virus is the most common cause of acute sinusitis. The virus can persist long after other respiratory symptoms have gone. Bacteria and occasionally fungus can cause an acute sinus infection.
- Nasal Polyps : These are tissue growths that can block the sinuses.
- Allergies : Can cause inflammation which blocks the sinuses.
Tooth Infection : An infection in your teeth can lead to sinus infections. - A Crooked Nasal Septum
- Other Conditions : Certain other conditions including cystic fibrosis, gastric reflux and immune system disorders can result in complications leading to blocked sinuses.
How Teas Can Help
You can try drinking a herbal tea to ease your symptoms. There are a wide variety of teas that can help. Herbal teas are a great natural remedy for various reasons.
First of all, the risk of adverse side effects is minimal compared to pharmaceutical drugs. The steam given off by the boiling water helps to reduce congestion and clear up mucus. The additional therapeutic vapors that you inhale from the herbs can also help reduce inflammation on your nasal passages. The simple act of drinking a hit herbal beverage help speed up the drainage from the nasal passages by moisturizing your mucus membranes.
Best Teas for Sinuses
1) Peppermint
You will be familiar with the cool, refreshing and slightly hot feeling of peppermint. It gets these properties from menthol which not only adds flavor but gives it a heck of a health kick.
The menthol found in peppermint can help to fight your sinus infections naturally. Menthol helps calm swollen mucus membranes in the throat and sinuses. It also helps thin out the mucus helping meaning that it helps to unblock the sinuses. In addition, menthol works as a natural decongestant breaking up mucous and phlegm and helping you breathe more easily.
If you are suffering from congestion or a sinus infection, why not try a nice cup of peppermint tea. Make sure that you drink it hot and inhale its therapeutic vapors and you may be better in no time.
2) Chamomile
Chamomile tea is delicious and extremely healthy. It is most often associated with emotional well-being and helping people to sleep but many people have found it effective in relieving a sinus infection. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties while inhaling the vapors can help clear up the airways and help you breathe easier.
To make a cup of soothing chamomile tea, take 3 or 4 tablespoons of chamomile and put them in a teapot. Pour around 8oz boiling water onto the flowers then steep for at least 5 minutes.
3) Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is another excellent remedy for sinus issues and congestion. Eucalyptus is a popular essential oil with known antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be used to make a therapeutic tea that can soothe the mucus membranes, relieve inflammation and help you to breathe more comfortably.
Eucalyptus tea is also a popular and effective remedy for a sore throat and bronchitis.
4) Blackberry
Blackberry tea is another excellent remedy for your sinus infection and to help clear your breathing troubles. Like most edible berries, blackberries are rich in vitamins that help boost your immune defenses and high in antioxidants. Drinking hot blackberry tea is a healthy option and inhaling its vapors can help relieve many of the symptoms of sinusitis.
You can buy ready made blackberry teabags or try making your own at home.
5) Thyme
A cup of tea made with https://healthyfocus.org/recommends/organic-thyme-essential-oil/e is an extremely effective remedy for sinus infections and congestion issues. Thyme works because it contains natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Make a nice cup of thyme tea and inhale its soothing vapors. Many people find their symptoms have been relieved significantly not long after drinking the tea.
To make thyme tea, add a teaspoon or so of dried thyme to a cup and cover with boiling water, Steep for ten minutes then strain and drink up. Add a little honey to taste if needed.
6) Licorice
Licorice root has excellent expectorant properties meaning that it helps you eliminate excess mucus from the sinuses and respiratory system. Drinking a cup of licorice root tea can also help smooth the mucus membranes and relieve inflammation.
Licorice has excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is an excellent choice of beverage for anybody suffering from a sinus infection or cold symptoms.
7) Ginger
Ginger is a great remedy for various conditions including digestive issues but it is also great for respiration and can help clear up a sinus infections very effectively. Ginger contains excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a great choice for your sinuses.
Sipping down a cup of ginger tea while inhaling its medicinal vapors is a great way to ease your symptoms.
Making ginger tea from the fresh root is simple. Grate a piece of fresh ginger and add it to a pot. Add 2 cups of water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for between 15 and 20 minutes. Strain out the ginger and drink up with honey to taste if needed.
8) Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is another great option when it comes to dealing with your sinus woes. It helps to expel excess mucus from the nasal passages and helps soothe and moisturize your mucus membranes. Marshmallow root also has anti-inflammatory properties which will help ease the swelling that accompanies sinusitis.
9) Echinacea
Echinacea is another herb with a great reputation for treating sinus issues. It is available in many supplementary forms including tinctures and capsules but you can also use it to make a therapeutic brew.
Echinacea tea is easy enough to make. Just add a cup of boiled water to a gram or two of the herb and allow to steep for ten minutes. Strain and drink up 3 times each day for a maximum of ten days.
There are many other herbal teas that people find effective for their sinuses. These include goldenseal, elderberry and mullein. We hope that one of these remedies proves effective for you. Please let us know how well they worked.
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