Our digestive systems are vulnerable to bacteria and viruses; especially if we do not take proper precautions such as properly washing our hands or avoiding contaminated food.
Shigellosis is one such bacterium that can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Shigellosis can cause symptoms like stomach cramps and diarrhea.
If you find that you are suffering from shigellosis, there are some remedies you can try to help alleviate some of the uncomfortable symptoms while the bacteria passes through your system.
Furthermore, there are some precautions you can take to ensure that you don’t become a victim of this unpleasant illness.
The symptoms of shigellosis can range in severity from case to case. Those that come into contact with Shigella, the bacteria responsible for the illness, may not feel the effects right away.
People typically suffer from the symptoms of shigellosis within three days to a week of contact. If you are suffering from shigellosis, you may experience some of the following symptoms:
- Persistent watery diarrhea
- Blood or mucus in the stool
- Abdominal cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
Symptoms may persist for two to seven days. If symptoms are mild, waiting it out while trying to stay hydrated is your best bet. However, if you are symptoms are severe and you are dehydrated, it is advised to seek medical treatment.
Those suffering from diarrhea for over three days or cannot seem to keep any food down should seek medical assistance. Dehydration is a dangerous side effect that can result from a severe case of Shigellosis.
Shigellosis is an infection of the large intestine caused by a group of bacterial called Shigella. These bacteria can typically be found in water contaminated by sewage.
People become infected with these bacteria when it infiltrates their drinking water or contaminates their food. It is important to always rinse your food and vegetables before ingesting them in case contaminated water was used in the fields where the food was grown.
Outbreaks of Shigellosis are most likely to happen in places where there is poor sanitation. Children are most at risk for developing this illness because they are more likely to forget to wash their hands.
To avoid this illness, avoid contaminated bodies of water, always rinse off your fruits and veggies, and always be sure to wash your hands.
Home Remedies for Shigellosis
If your case of Shigellosis is mild, the first thing you need to do is stay hydrated. Mild cases of Shigellosis and do not need medical treatment typically just need to run their course.
However, there are some home remedies you can try at home to make alleviate some of the symptoms.
1) Water
As mentioned, it is extremely important to stay hydrated. The best way to do this is to drink enough water. The biggest problem with Shigellosis is the loss of water in the body due to diarrhea or vomiting.
Your body is comprised mostly of water and needs sufficient amounts to function. When your body is dehydrated and deprived of water, your organs run the risk of shutting down.
Secondly, your body isn’t able to properly fight off the infection when it isn’t properly hydrated. If you are suffering from Shigellosis, it is recommended that your drink at least ten glasses of water a day.
2) Ginger
Those suffering from gastrointestinal distress will find that ginger is a great way to calm a tummy in distress. Ginger is effective in soothing an upset stomach because it works as an anti-inflammatory.
To use ginger as a home remedy, it can be consumed raw or drank in the form of a tea.
3) Peppermint
Peppermint is a classic home remedy when it comes to settling an upset stomach. Peppermint not only works as an anti-inflammatory that helps ease and upset stomach, but it also works an anti-septic, helping to fight the bacteria compromising your gut health.
To experience the soothing effects on peppermint, you can either chew on peppermint leaves or sip on a healing peppermint tea.
4) Bananas
Those suffering from bouts of diarrhea will benefit from eating a banana. Loaded with nutrients that help boost the immune system, bananas are also rich in potassium and electrolytes, which are needed after the body suffers from diarrhea.
5) Rest
When suffering from any type of sickness, it’s important to get enough rest so your body can start to repair itself. When you suffer from Shigellosis and you suffer from mild to severe diarrhea, your body is deprived of nutrients and therefore struggles to function.
As you sleep, your body gathers up strength and gathers up its resources to fight the infection that has compromised your gut and your immune system.
There are some methods you can employ to minimize your chances of becoming infected with Shigellosis. To protect yourself, consider the following precautions:
- Always wash fruit and vegetables before consuming. Food can come from a contaminated source due to the water they were watered with or flies that have had contact with feces compromising the harvest. Thoroughly washing each fruit and vegetable before consuming it helps to prevent you from ingesting the bacteria responsible for Shigellosis.
- Always wash your hands. It’s important to wash your hands after going to the bathroom or before handling food. This not only protects you from contracting the illness, but prevents you from spreading any illness as well.
- Practice good hygiene. Outbreaks of Shigellosis typically occur in environments where there is poor sanitation. By keeping yourself and your environment clean, you decrease your chances of coming down with this illness.
- Avoid contaminated water. Take care in choosing where you go swimming. Ingesting contaminated water is the quickest way to become ill with Shigellosis. Before going swimming, make sure the chlorine content of the water is high enough to neutralize any bacteria. If swimming in a lake, be sure to shower immediately after swimming.
- Dispose of dirty diapers immediately. Shigellosis results from fecal to oral contact. Immediately disposing of dirty diapers and diligently washing your hands will cut down on the possibility of contracting Shigellosis.
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