Kratom in the Spotlight It is possible that you had not heard about kratom until the recent controversies about its legality in the United States. Despite little evidence regarding its harmful effects, the DEA recently announced that it would be placing kratom on its schedule 1 … [Read more...]
Do Fitness Trackers Work?
JAMA says Fitness Trackers are Worthless? And maybe WORSE than worthless—they could actually make you more FAT! (1) But did the JAMA study really say that? Yeah, well for my money I doubt this study truly says all some are hyping it up to say. I think some in the media wanted to … [Read more...]
7 Proven Dangers of Fluoride
Fluoride: A Harmful Neurotoxin The presence of fluoride in the water supply has been a growing topic of controversy for the past few years. Once Fluoride was heralded by the United States CDC as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th Century. Now the … [Read more...]
Rhabdomyolysis Causes and Treatment
Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially very serious syndrome caused by the injury to and the destruction of the body’s skeletal muscles. When muscle fibers are destroyed, they leak their breakdown products such as myoglobin into your bloodstream. When this happens it can then result … [Read more...]
The Purpose of the Appendix
We are all born with one and for many of us, the first time we are aware of it is when it starts causing us serious pain. Like so many people my appendix was removed a long time ago after becoming inflamed. Appendicitis is a very painful condition which typically leads to … [Read more...]