The Link Between Glyphosate - Roundup and Cancer In 2015, researchers at the World Health Organization declared that glyphosate was a probable carcinogen. This announcement by the IARC – the International Agency for Research was met by a backlash from industry insiders. Since … [Read more...]
The Ikarian Diet
The Ikarian Diet – The Secret of Longevity? Nestled in the tranquil waters of the Aegean sea is the tiny Greek island of Ikaria or Icaria where life is not just sweet but extremely long. Like the Italian island of Sardinia and the Japanese island of Okinawa, the inhabitants of … [Read more...]
Benefits of Frozen Blueberries
Frozen Blueberries I guess that when we think of the many health benefits of fruit, most people would assume that fresh fruit was a much healthier option than the frozen variety. While this may be true much of the time, fresh fruit is not always in season. Where I live, fresh … [Read more...]
Tasmanian Devil’s Milk
Tasmanian Devil’s Milk Just last week, there was some exciting news coming out of Australia that milk from a very unlikely source may be a weapon in the desperate and ongoing battle against superbugs. According to Australian researchers at Sydney University, Tasmanian devil’s … [Read more...]
Blood Type O Diet
Diet is a very personal and individual thing. Our bodies respond to different treatments and have specific needs. While doctors often tailor medications and drug therapies to specific needs of different body types, it makes one stop and think why the same treatment isn’t often … [Read more...]