Last Updated on December 3, 2018 by Marc Seward
Seeing steam rise from a glass of heated water is just what you would expect to happen but seeing the same reaction from a heated rock is less expected. However, that is exactly what you would witness if you heated a very special form of rock known as a zeolite.
The name itself was coined back in the 18th century by Axel Cronstedt – a Swedish geologist who also discovered nickel. The term ‘zeolite’ literally translates into ‘boiling stone and refers to around 200 different types of mineral with numerous interesting applications ranging from cat litter to water softening.
They are also known and popularly used for their range of health benefits especially their ability to help the body detoxify.
So what exactly is a Zeolite?
Zeolites are a naturally occurring compound which come are deposited in the earth by the volcanic process specifically the interaction between volcanic rock, ash and underground water. In times gone by, cultures in all parts of the world are known to have consumed clay for health reasons and healing purposes while many species of animal are known to do the same.
These days, you can buy zeolite in powders, liquid and capsule form and it is taken for a variety of healing purposes notably chelation therapy and detoxification.
Health Benefits of Zeolites
1. Zeolites for Detoxification
It goes without saying that it is near enough an impossible task to avoid all of the toxins that surround us. They are present in the air that we inhale, the food that we eat, the water that we drink and the household products we use every day.
Having said that, we should not just give up on the idea of cleansing our bodies. Detoxifying ourselves on a regular basis can help keep our bodies in the best shape possible and help overworked organs like our livers to operate more efficiently.
Our health can be considerably improved by detoxing every now and again. There are many popular detoxing programs like juicing and diets but minerals like zeolites offer an easy and effective option as a detoxifier.
Zeolites like pure clinoptilolte are especially good at eliminating heavy metals from the system and also for removing other environmental pollutants from the body.
Heavy metals like lead, mercury, aluminium and cadmium can quickly accumulate in the body . They are almost unavoidable because they are so widespread in household products, food and medicine. Unfortunately, they are also dangerous. Make no mistake…these heavy metals are extremely toxic. They can cause a huge amount of free radical strain in the liver, kidneys, brain and gut leading to serious conditions like cancer.
Zeolites can help reduce some of this damage. They help to pull these heavy metals out of the body’s tissues through an osmotic process. The process is a slow one but it is also steady and effective.
While the majority of natural antioxidants neutralize free radical damage by donating one of their electrons, zeolites work in a different way. They neutralize free radicals by effectively trapping them inside their complex structures. This basically renders the free radicals inactive eliminating them entirely.
Several studies have been done into the detoxification potential of zeolite including a study published in 2009 examined the use of zeolites to eliminate toxic metals through the urine. The study concluded that using activated clinoptiliotite each day was a safe and potentially effective method of removing toxic metals from the body through urination. (1)
Another study published in 2012 found that clinoptilotite helped to eliminate the accumulation of lead in mice. The researchers concluded that the experiment indicated clearly that clinoptolite could be used as a future treatment for heavy metal exposure. (2)
2. Zeolite for the Immune System and pH balance
Zeloite helps to neutralize acid in the bloodstream and increase alkalinity balancing the body’s pH to a more alkaline level of around 7.35. Heavy metals in the bloodstream typically increase acid levels which can have a negative impact on the immune system and brain function as well as harming the nervous system.
This can result in autoimmune issues as well as emotional problems like depression, anxiety and brain fog.
Good quality zeolites can have a significant effect in the body’s immune system by eliminating toxic heavy metals and relieving free radical damage.
3. Zeolite may Improve Symptoms of Depression
When your body is inundated by toxic heavy metals and other harmful toxins, it can have a devastating effect on the body’s cells, organs and other vital bodily functions. A toxic build up can also inhibit your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the food we consume.
This can result in nutrient deficiencies and may even have a knock on effect on your emotional wellbeing. The result could be illness and depression.
By helping to release toxic substances out of the body, the tissues and the blood, zeolites not only help improve your physical health and improve levels of energy but can also boost your emotional wellbeing and encourage a positive frame of mind.
4. Antimicrobial potential of Zeolites
The unique structure of zeolite means that it can help draw in microbes including harmful bacteria, viruses and fungus. The effect may not be immediate but may become apparent after around a month of supplementation.
A study conducted in 2004 set out to examine the antimicrobial ability of clinoptilolite. The results demonstrated that clinoptilolite – a form of non-toxic zeolite – had antiviral properties. This encouraged the researchers to suggest that zeolite may have therapeutic applications for internal and external skin infections. (3)
5. In Water filtration systems
You can use zeolite as part of a healthier water filtering system. It is a great option because it can help remove toxins from the water and reduce acidity. When the water you drink is overly acidic it can have a bad inflammatory effect on your body.
Although the jury is still out, water which is slightly alkaline is believed by many people to confer a range of health benefits.
How to Use Zeolites
There is a growing market in zeolites and the quality of the products on offer can vary a great deal. It is certainly well worth doing your research and getting the purest form available.
Zeolite is available in several forms including:
- Powder – In its powdered form, it is finely ground and micronized for ease of digestion.
- Capsules – Basically powdered zeolite in convenient and easy to use capsule form.
- Liquid solution – Zeolite powder which is suspended in a water-based solution.
Which form of zeolite you take depends on your preferred method of delivery into your system though some people feel that the powdered form is preferable since it is nearer to its natural clay-like state. Powdered zeolite is also cheaper and more concentrated than the liquid form.
It is best to start off with lower doses and increase your dosage gradually over time. You can safely add your zeolite powder to juices without worrying about losing out on the nutrition in your drinks.
However, it is recommended that you take it alone early in the morning mixed with fresh water for optimum effect. Large doses of zeolite can cause constipation if you do not drink an adequate amount of water at the same time.
- The recommended dosage of powdered zeolite for moderate use is between ½ a teaspoon and 2 teaspoons two to three times each day.
- In liquid form, the recommended dose is between 3 and 6 drops two or three times daily.
- Zeolites can cause constipation if you do not drink sufficient water.
- The Quality of Zeolite is important. Poor quality ones can actually contain heavy metals and do more harm than good.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it as there is insufficient evidence regarding its safety.
- It is possibly contraindicated when taking certain medications with metal constituents including platinum or lithium and is best avoided.
- Consult your doctor if you are concerned in any way.
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