Last Updated on May 8, 2016 by Marc Seward
What are Yeast Infections?
Yeast infections are an unpleasant and can ruin your week. Caused by a fungus (which is a form of yeast) called Candida.
Yeast infections cause such uncomfortable symptoms as irritation, swelling, and itching. This irritating fungal infection is common, affecting 3 out of 4 women.
Unfortunately, once you suffer from a yeast infection, you are more likely to get more. So it is important to find an effective cure that will help nix the uncomfortable symptoms and kill the fungus.
Fortunately, apple cider vinegar is a quick, effective, natural cure that will do just that.
Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
The longer a yeast infection goes untreated, the worse the symptoms become. Women suffering from a yeast infection typically suffer from the following symptoms:
- Burning
- Itching
- Rash
- Grayish or whitish, thick vaginal discharge that may appear in a small or large amount
- Pain during sex
- Soreness
Causes of a Yeast Infection
The thought of a yeasts and fungi are disturbing, however, they are a natural occurring part of our body. The problem starts when the Candida yeast becomes unbalanced.
The balance of Candida yeast is controlled by the lactobacillus bacteria, however, when there is an overgrowth of Candida, a yeast infection comes knocking on your door. The following culprits may be responsible for causing a yeast infection:
- Weak immune system
- Antibiotics
- Pregnancy
- Unbalanced hormones around the time of menstruation
- Diabetes not kept in control
- Poor diet full of sugary foods
- Not getting enough sleep
- Stress
Apple Cider Vinegar
You have probably heard a lot about apple cider vinegar by now; many people believe it to be a cure all. Apple cider vinegar is extracted from the fermentation of apples.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infections
So how can something so simple and natural fight your yeast infection? As it turns out, this simple glass bottle of vinegar is loaded with properties that will help cure your yeast infection in no time.
- Apple cider vinegar helps restore balance to your body. It helps sort out your pH level and prevents the overgrowth of the Candida yeast responsible for yeast infections. Even better, it helps prevent yeast infections from coming back.
- Apple cider vinegar is considered a natural antibiotic. Apple cider vinegar helps kill viruses, bacteria, and fungi, helping to relieve the symptoms associated with these invaders.
- As mentioned above, the Candida yeast is kept in check by the lactobacillus bacteria; apple cider vinegar helps ensure that your intestinal tract is colonized with this good bacterium. This not only helps protect you from yeast infections, but from other infections and illnesses as well.
- The high acidic content of apple cider vinegar helps kill the overgrowth of yeast invading the body.
- Apple cider vinegar is loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes that can help boost your immune system. Yeast infections often occur when the immune system is in a weakened state, so getting your immune system not only helps fight the infection, but helps insure that it does not come back.
Tips for Using Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Yeast Infections
There are several methods you can use apple cider vinegar to take care of your yeast infection and to prevent them from coming back. Before using apple cider vinegar on your infection, try testing a bit of the vinegar on a bit of your skin to make sure there is no adverse reaction.
Apple cider vinegar is quite acid, so be sure to purchase an vinegar with an acidity level of 5% or less. Finally, before using apple cider vinegar on your yeast infection, be sure to dilute it with water to prevent it from causing a burning sensation.
Add Apple Cider Vinegar to your Diet
By including apple cider vinegar in your diet, you can help restore balance to your pH levels. This will help prevent the overgrowth of yeast, boost your immune system, and help support the growth of good bacteria in your gut. You can incorporate apple cider vinegar in your diet the following ways:
- Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea. Drink this remedy a couple times a day on an empty stomach. Do not add sugar or honey to your beverages while taking this remedy, as they encourage the growth of fungi.
- Drizzle some apple cider vinegar on your fruit or salad to have a nice, immune boosting snack.
- If you’re taking antibiotics, and want to help recolonize your gut with good bacteria to help get the candida yeast under control, eat some yogurt.
- Take apple cider vinegar pills.
Soaking with Apple Cider Vinegar
You can help kill the yeast by soaking the affected area with apple cider vinegar.
- Simply soak a cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar.
- Apply it directly to the affected area.
- Let sit for 10-15 minutes.
- Remove and wash off the area.
- Apply this remedy regularly until the yeast infection is gone.
Take an Apple Cider Vinegar Bath
Soaking in a relaxing bath with apple cider vinegar will not only prevent yeast infections from coming back, but it will also help improve your symptoms.
- Add a couple cups of apple cider vinegar to a warm, shallow bath or water.
- Soak in the tub for 15 minutes.
- Take an apple cider vinegar bath twice a day until your yeast infection symptoms subside.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil Bath
Pairing apple cider vinegar with the antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil will help treat an uncomfortable yeast infection.
- Mix a couple cups of apple cider vinegar with a couple drops of tea tree oil in a warm, shallow bath.
- Soak in the tub for 15 minutes.
- Take this healing bath twice a day until your yeast infection symptoms subside.
Some Other Tips for Treating your Yeast Infection:
- When purchasing apple cider vinegar, make sure that it is 100% raw, organic, and unpasteurized with the mother.
- While treating the yeast infection, wear loose-fitting panties.
- Avoid using baking soda during treatment, which can raise your pH level.
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