Last Updated on October 16, 2018 by Marc Seward
The Best Teas to Lower Your Blood Pressure
We have already published an article on natural methods of reducing your blood pressure. This article will look specifically at teas that can help bring your blood pressure under control while benefiting your health in plenty of other ways at the same time. Teas like green tea and oolong have become more and more popular over recent years as we learn more about their many health benefits but there are also some lesser known teas in our list that we think you will enjoy.
A Common Condition
High blood pressure or hypertension is a common problem around the world and one of the major risk factors in heart disease. According to estimates, a third of adults in the US suffer from high blood pressure. Because it is often free of obvious symptoms, the condition is sometimes referred to as the silent killer. Tackling high blood pressure is a major concern because it often leads to serious disease, stroke and heart attack.
Your blood pressure is basically the measure of force the blood exerts as it pushes on the walls of the arteries. When this pressure is overly high for a long period of time, it causes damage. The force of blood stretches the tissues of the arterial wall beyond the healthy and natural limits.
What is a Healthy Blood Pressure?
You will be familiar with the way in which blood pressure gets recorded in the form of two numbers written in a ratio. The upper figure is the systolic blood pressure while the lower figure represents diastolic pressure.
A healthy person’s blood pressure should be below 120 : 80 for a normal adult. If a person’s blood pressure is higher than 140 : 90, it is regarded as high.
There are numerous risk factors for high blood pressure including a poor diet, stress, smoking, lack of exercise and genetic factors. Fortunately, a number of these factors can be controlled by simple lifestyle changes like losing weight, exercising and quitting the cigarettes.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
Make sure that you get your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. This is important since high blood pressure very often does not cause obvious symptoms. Unfortunately, the effects of having high blood pressure can be extremely severe. The following health issues are all linked to hypertension :
- heart attack
- stroke
- heart disease
- kidney disease
- diabetes
- metabolic disorder
The Best Teas to Reduce Blood Pressure
If you suffer from high blood pressure there are plenty of things you can do to reverse the condition. Certain lifestyle changes can make all the difference to your health. Eating a better, more nutritious diet, getting plenty of exercise, quitting smoking and reducing smoking can all help bring your blood pressure back under control. Stress is a major risk factor so working on relieving your stress levels naturally can also have a positive impact.
As well as these lifestyle changes, certain herbs and teas can also help you get your blood pressure down to normal levels. Studies show that certain herbal remedies and teas can have a very positive impact on blood pressure without the side effects experienced from blood pressure medications. This article will look at the most effective teas to treat hypertension and prevent your condition from recurring.
Why Tea Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure
According to research, drinking certain teas like hibiscus and green tea can help boost you heart’s health by reducing many of the risk factors of heart disease. As well as reducing blood pressure, drinking tea can also help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
According to research, the reason for this is that many types of tea are high in flavonoids which are polyphenols that act as powerful antioxidants. Not only do these antioxidants benefit the heart but they can protect against a host of diseases caused by oxidative stress from organ damage to skin conditions.
Many teas are also an great source of another natural antioxidant – vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps boost the immune system and improves circulation throughout the body. Many teas also contain vitamin K. Vitamin K may not be as essential as some of the other nutrients but it does play an important role in the heart’s health as well as preventing clotting and promoting the healing of wounds.
When it comes to heart health, hibiscus tea has been very well researched. Studies, which we will look at in more detail later, have found that it has a significant impact on both cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Regularly drinking tea has a range of other potential benefits. It can help people control their weight especially as part of a diet plan. Not only will you look better but obesity is another major risk factor in heart disease and stroke.
If you are looking for a healthy tipple that can improve your health in general and reduce your blood pressure, the following are some of the best to get you started.
Teas to Reduce Blood Pressure
Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus tea is my personal favorite but that is not the only reason that it tops this list. Studies have revealed that this delicious, tart tea can have a very positive impact on a person’s blood pressure.
Several studies into the effects of hibiscus tea have been extremely promising. According to research it is effective because it is a natural vasodilator. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it basically means it can help widen your arteries relieving the pressure which causes high blood pressure.
A study published in 2009 looked at the effects of hibiscus tea on 65 patients with a mild form of hypertension. The subjects were either treated with three cups a day of hibiscus or given a placebo for six weeks. By the end of the trial, the researchers found that those treated with hibiscus tea had a significant reduction in blood pressure compared with those given the placebo.
A Mexican study had earlier found similar results this time in a study involving 75 subjects with hypertension. They were either treated with hibiscus tea or a commonly prescribed blood pressure drug called Captopril for four weeks.
By the end of this trial, the results for both groups were very similar with participants experiencing around an 11% reduction in blood pressure on average. This indicates that hibiscus is just as effective as the prescription medication while it also has a much better safety profile. (2)
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is another great tipple for your health. It has a variety of benefits ranging from heart health to weight loss, research also suggests it can have a positive effect on your blood pressure levels. Both the Japanese variety of oolong and the Chinese variety are delicious and healthy but it is Chinese oolong that has demonstrated the best results when it comes to blood pressure.
One large-scale study published in 2004 looked at the effects of oolong consumption on 1500 subjects. The researchers found that drinking just two and a half cups of Chinese oolong a day could reduce the risk of developing hypertension by a massive 46%. (3)
Green Tea
Green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world today. It is also regarded as one of the healthiest beverages you can consume mainly due to its very high levels of antioxidant catechins. It is also a natural vasodilator meaning the blood can flow more efficiently through the arteries and capillaries relieving the pressure on the heart.
A number of studies have been done into the effects of green tea on high blood pressure. Most have found that it can reduce systolic blood pressure but has less of an effect on diastolic blood pressure. A meta analysis of 14 trials into the effects of green tea on blood pressure was published in 2014 and can be seen here. (4)
Black Tea
As a Brit, I grew up surrounded by black tea. Thinking back to my days in the UK, we seemed to spend much of our time either drinking tea or socializing with a nice cuppa. I don’t think I ever thought of the health benefits of our habits but it seems it was doing me some good after all. It is rich in healthy polyphenols and while black tea does not have the same number of benefits that green tea has become famous for, there is evidence that it is good for your heart and may help to reduce a person’s blood pressure.
One study demonstrated that drinking black tea could help reduce blood pressure fluctuations throughout the day. (5) Another study conducted in Australia revealed that black tea consumption could help reduce blood pressure by a significant amount over a 24 hour period. (6)
Pu-Eh Tea
Pu-Erh tea is a fermented type of Chinese tea that is becoming increasingly popular in the West. Drinking this healthful beverage can do wonders for your heart’s health and for your blood pressure levels in particular. It is a great source of antioxidants and studies show that it can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These combined effects can greatly reduce your risk of developing heart disease or having a heart attack.
Stinging Nettle Tea
Stinging nettle tea is another healthy, hot tipple that can help boost your health in general and may help to reduce your blood pressure.
Many of the health benefits of this wonderful tea are believed to linked to its antioxidant content. Stinging nettle contains various antioxidant compounds including quercetin, beta-caroten and lutein. It is also a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium and iron and vitamins including vitamins A, C and K.
Java Tea
Java tea is another delicious drink that can boost your health and help keep your blood pressure levels in check. java tea is extremely popular in South East Asia where many people use it to reduce blood pressure as well as treating urinary tract infection.
Like the other teas in the list, java tea is chock full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can reduce your risk of disease and improve your overall health.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to reducing blood pressure naturally, there are few better lifestyle options than making sure you drink plenty of healthy tea. Studies into the beneficial effects of hibiscus tea have been especially positive. If you have never tried this tea, I could not recommend it more highly. It has a delicious, tart flavor similar to cranberry juice and is wonderful whether drunk hot or cold.
Remember that these teas should be incorporated into a healthy diet and lifestyle plan. Get plenty of exercise, eat healthy foods and make try to keep stress at bay. These lifestyle factors all play a significant role in your overall health and your heart’s health in particular. By adding more tea to your diet, you should benefit even more.
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