Last Updated on November 23, 2018 by Marc Seward
What Is Blue Yarrow Essential Oil?
Blue yarrow essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, and anti-rheumatic properties. It is also lauded for its use as a carminative, cicatrizant, digestive aid, and expectorant. You can also use the tonic for relieving any hemostatic conditions or as a hypotensive aid.
This oil, which is botanically called Achillea Millefolium, is derived from a perennial herb that is well known across Europe. The herb is touted as a remedy for a large number of diseases and conditions and is often mixed with alcoholic-type drinks to make people feel healthier. The essential oil of the yarrow is derived through steam distillation of the yarrow herb when it is dried.
Properties and Composition
The primary composition of the plant includes the following: borneol, beta pinene, camphene, cineole, camphor, alpha pinene, and borneol acetate, just to name a few. By reviewing the components, alternative health practitioners can conclude what advantages the user receives by using a certain oil. All these properties combine to make an oil what it is and demonstrate an oil’s effectiveness.. (1)
Blue Yarrow Essential Oil Fast facts
- Blue yarrow essential oil is derived from the Achillea millefolium plant by a process of steam distillation.
- This perennial herb is widespread across Europe but can also be seen growing in parts of North America and Asia.
- The plant grows up to a meter in height and has distinctive feathery leaves and white to pink flower heads.
- Other common names for blue yarrow are nosebleed, milfoil, thousand leaf and common yarrow. It is also referred to as carpenter’s weed due to its ability to treat wounds caused by a blade or a saw.
- The herb can also be eaten. Its fresh leaves are finely chopped then added to a range of dishes including salads, soups and stir fries.
- When blue yarrow essential oil is diffused, it gives off a sweet, herb-like aroma.
- When the oil is distilled, it develops a distinctive, beautiful blue color when a chemical called chamazulene gets release as it is heated. The same compound is present in German chamomile.
- Today, blue yarrow essential oil can be used for a wide range of physical conditions ranging from skin care to rheumatism and cramps.
Blue Yarrow Essential Oil Benefits
You will find that you will feel much healthier when you use this type of oil for a number of health conditions. Because of its properties and constituents, you can make it through cold and flu season and relieve joint distress and pain. You can also find relief from arthritis pain or obtain quick healing of wounds. The following benefits will further explain the benefits of using this all-inclusive health remedy.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
According to research, blue yarrow essential oil,has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. You can use the oil to manage a number of inflammatory responses in the body.
This oil can help you to overcome the inflammation that results from nasal congestion or from respiratory distress. Use the anti-inflammatory oil to treat a cold or reduce the inflammation that comes from eating spicy foods. You can also use the essential oil to prevent inflammation in the circulatory system, which surfaces from the absorption of certain toxins.
For Joint Pain and Arthritis
Because blue yarrow essential oil is good for the blood flow, it can also be used by arthritic and rheumatic patients. When the blood flows more effectively, the buildup of uric acid in the muscles and joints is reduced. The diaphoretic component of the oil also gets rid of certain toxins through a person’s sweat.
If you have arthritis or joint pain caused by another condition, try massaging the oil into the affected joints. Make sure that you dilute your blue yarrow oil with a suitable carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba before applying it to your skin.
Wound Healing
The antiseptic properties of blue yarrow essential keeps the user from buying the antiseptics available on the commercial market. You can use the oil to heal wounds and keep them from becoming septic. It can be used to treat viral and fungal infections as well.
The oil provides a protective barrier on a wound and activates the leukocytes and platelets so the wound heals faster. Because the oil is fungicidal and bactericidal, it effectively kills germs and enhances the overall healing effect.
Muscle Spasms
If you do not want to feel the discomfort associated with cramps and spasmodic pain, you need to make sure that you have blue yarrow essential oil on your shelf. A spasm is defined as a contraction in the body that can lead to pain or another form of discomfort. For example, you can suffer from a muscle spasm after a sporting event or a respiratory spasm if you are asthmatic. In either of these cases, it is a good idea to treat the ailment with a remedy such as blue yarrow oil.
Sometimes a spasm will involves the intestines. If so, you may suffer from abdominal pain. One effective natural way to overcome this problem is with an oil that serves as a relaxant. Because blue yarrow oil has relaxing and anti-spasmodic qualities, it is the ideal oil to use. It can relax spasms that affect the muscles, nerves, respiratory tract, or stomach.
Apply the diluted oil, to the affected part of your body and you should feel some quick relief.
Astringent Benefits for Skin, Teeth and Hair
You can use this oil to assist you in keeping your gums healthy and teeth in place. The oil can also be used to prevent hair loss. That is because blue yarrow essential oil is considered an astringent. An astringent tightens a site because it encourages contractions. When this happens, people experience toned and tightened skin, better dental health, and less hair loss.
Many users like to use the oil to take care of saggy skin or wrinkles and provide them with a younger look. They do not have to worry about seeing a plastic surgeon when they can use blue yarrow essential oil instead.
Digestive Complaints
If you want to calm your digestion so you do not experience embarrassing problems with gas, you will like the medicinal qualities of blue yarrow essential oil. Not only can the oil assist in this respect but it will make your stomach feel less bloated.
It also relieves any heaviness that is experienced in the intestines or the chest. Do you have any problems with your appetite? If so, the carminative properties of the oil will assist you eating healthier foods. The oil removes gases from the intestinal tract and prevents them from gradually accumulating over time.
For Scars
The cicatrizant properties associated with this essential oil makes it the ideal product to use to get rid of any kinds of scars. People who have been plagued with acne scars for years are well pleased with this essential oil. The oil causes the scars to fade and smooths out the looks of the skin. You can also use the oil to get rid of the scars or marks associated with healed wounds or as a remedy for getting rid of stretch marks.
As with any remedy for scars, you can not expect quick results. You will have to be patient but if you apply the oil to the affected parts of your skin daily, you should start to notice the scars diminishing in appearance after a few months.
For Fevers
Because this oil is known to increase sweating, it can remove undesirable toxins through perspiration. It also gets rid of additional water and salt from the body. Because it causes a cooling sensation, a person with a fever can experience faster relief.
Using this oil may even help you lose weight as well. When you lose some of the excess water, you might be able to get rid of the fat too. Of course, there is no magic cure for weight loss and any natural remedy needs to be used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise plan.
Liver Health
As well as boosting your digestive health, using this oil can help improve your liver’s health too. The secretion of bile and digestive acids increase when this oil is used in a tea. It also can be used to restore liver health and improve the functioning of certain organs in the digestive tract.
Coughs, Colds and Congestion
You can get through cold and flu season more easily if you use this oil to relieve congestion in your chest and get rid of the excess mucus and phlegm. Use the oil to get rid of the coughing that often accompanies a cold or the flu.
The best way to use the oil for congestion is to inhale it. You can inhale the oil directly from the bottle or from your cupped palms. However, the most effective method for easing congestion is to make your own steam treatment. To do this, simply fill a sink with very hot water and add 5 or 6 drops of your blue yarrow essential oil. Cover your upper torso and head in a towel, bend over the sink and inhale the soothing vapors for between three and five minutes.
Skin Care
Use the oil to keep water in your skin and for its hydrating factors. If you want smoother, younger-looking skin, you do not have to use any other type of skin care product. This moisturizer will free your skin from infections, unsightly marks, and cracks.
Menstrual Issues
Any woman who experiences irregular periods or menstrual pain will like using this essential oil. Any problem associated with the menstrual cycle can be addressed if you use this oil. Some of the symptoms that can be alleviated include fatigue, abdominal pain, or headaches.
According to one study published in 2017, a number of women reported that blue yarrow effectively helped them to deal with various issues related to menstruation but especially the regulation of their periods. (2)
Stomach Upset
Use the oil to take care of an upset with your stomach. As previously noted, this oil will improve the formation of digestive juices and keep everything in balance in the abdominal area. Use it to soothe the stomach and provide relief from any problems with inflammation.
Like so many essential oils, blue yarrow may be an excellent choice for people that suffer with feelings of stress and anxiety.
According to one study conducted on animals, blue yarrow had an anxiloytic effect on rats. In fact, the effects when tested were similar to those experienced by animals given diazpam. (3)
if you are feeling stressed, try diffusing blue yarrow essential oil through the day at home or at work and you may well notice a difference. Essential oils are an excellent natural alternative for stress and anxiety. Unlike prescription medications, the likelihood of side effects is very small and they do not come with a risk of dependency.
Insomnia is a very common issue that can have a significantly bad effect on your ability to function in the daytime. Eventually the lack of quality sleep can have a damaging physical impact.
Because of the oil’s ability to calm the mind and body, blue yarrow essential oil may also help you get off to sleep much easier and also improve your quality of sleep.
try diffusing blue yarrow oil next to your bed throughout the night. Alternatively, ass a few drops to your pillow or bed linen each night before bed.
How to Use Blue Yarrow Essential Oil
Use this oil in a diffuser or add a very tiny amount to a tea to assist in curing digestive disturbances. You can also apply the oil directly to the skin. Just make sure that it is diluted so you can apply it safely.
Always check with a doctor first before you proceed in using the oil. Get his or her okay before you add this oil to your alternative medicine cabinet.
Precautions and Side Effects
- This oil may have certain neurotoxic effects. If you experience these effects, you may suffer from skin irritations or headaches.
- You should not use this oil in high doses for an extended period.
- Do not take this essential oil internally without first speaking to your doctor or health expert.
- Avoid any oral ingestion during pregnancy and when breast feeding.
- Always dilute the oil with a carrier oil before you apply it to your skin.
- Even after diluting the oil, it is good practice to perform a patch test on a discrete area of your skin before applying a larger dose. make sure that you leave the oil in place for at least 24 hours to see if you experience any skin reaction.
This oil can be used in so many ways that you should check with a doctor to make sure that it will not counteract any medicines you may be currently taking. You can use the oil in a diffuser, apply it topically, or add it to a beverage. Before you do any of these things, check with your health practitioner on the advisability.
Everyone can benefit from using this oil, provided that it is used correctly. Whether you have digestive upset or are suffering from a cold, you can use blue yarrow essential oil to counteract the problem. You can also use the oil to look younger and feel less nervous. Whatever application you choose, you will feel more beautiful and healthier overall.
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