Most people will develop a skin tag at some point during their lives. They are nothing to be overly concerned about but depending on their location and number, they can be unsightly and cause embarrassment or lack of self-confidence; in which case you might want to get rid of them.
If you would prefer to get this done safely and conveniently at home rather than visiting the doctor, there are a number of home remedies that you might consider. One such home remedy for skin tag removal is with organic apple cider vinegar. It works as well as expensive products and is an effective and relatively pain free way to remove skin tags.
What Are Skin Tags?
A skin tag is a protruding piece of balloon shaped skin which sticks out on a stalk from the surrounding tissue. Skin tags are not dangerous but they can be very unsightly and some people develop multiple tags numbering over a hundred at any one time.
They are benign growths and are also non-contagious but they might cause irritation and become both physically and cosmetically uncomfortable. If you have skin tags, you need not worry.
They can be removed safely and painlessly at home by following a few basic steps. A friend of mine told me that more would grow if they were removed but I am glad to say that she was misinformed. There isn’t any evidence at all that removing skin tags will cause more to grow in their place.
Where and why do you develop Skin Tags?
If you are concerned, stop worrying right now. There is nothing unusual about developing a skin tag in fact they are so common that experts believe nearly every one of us will experience a skin tag at some point during our lifetime. While skin tags can develop at any point during your lifetime, they are more common in overweight adults
Obesity is a definite factor but experts think that some people are just unfortunate and are simply more prone to developing skin tags. Once formed, it is possible for skin tags to drop off naturally and spontaneously but most will persist if they are left alone.
Skin tags, medically known as acrochordons, most commonly occur in parts of the body with skin folds where the area is prone to irritation from friction. The armpits and the neck are the most common locations for skin tags to develop but they are also typical on the eyelid, beneath the breasts and in the folds of the groin and buttocks.
Even babies can develop skin tags, especially overweight babies and children and teenagers might have them as a result of friction from exercise. They are also more common in pregnant women which experts think is due to a rise in hormonal activity.
Common Removal Methods
If your skin tags are not causing any issues, it is reasonable to just leave them alone but there may be circumstances when you want to be rid of them. Doctors typically get involved with removing skin tags when they cause irritation or cosmetic embarrassment. Medical treatment for removing skin tags include:
• Freezing with liquid nitrogen
• Tying off the tag with dental floss or narrow string
• Burning the tag
• Cutting with scissors
If you don’t want to go through the medical process and would prefer to try a cheap, effective and convenient home remedy, then there are several home remedies you can try; tea tree oil is effective but this article will focus on apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a wide variety of health benefits and has been used since ancient times to treat wounds and infections. Today, apple cider vinegar is used as a home remedy to treat a number of medical issues as well as weight control and as a skin toner. Basically, it is good natural, effective stuff and it is a must have product for any household.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin Tags
Organic apple cider vinegar is a popular home treatment for skin tag removal because it is gently acting, safe and painless. By following a few basic steps, you should be able to get rid of those unsightly skin protrusions for good. ACV is a cost effective way to get rid of skin tags.
While there are never guarantees that this will work for you—it is likely it will. This skin tag removal method should be effective relatively quickly because of the acid from the apple cider vinegar acts the same way for most people. When ACV is applied to the skin tag it will destroy the affected tissue without harming the surrounding skin-helping to remove the skin tag .
These simple steps below should allow your skin tag to fall off naturally within 4 or 5 days.
The first step is to thoroughly clean the area containing the skin tag with warm water and soap. The area must be clean because any sweat or dirt residue might inhibit the effectiveness of the apple cider vinegar. After cleaning the affected area, dry it well.
You are now ready to apply the apple cider vinegar. First of all, soak a cotton ball in the vinegar; squeeze out any excess liquid before applying it to your skin.
Place the cotton ball onto the affected area and hold it against your skin for 5 or so minutes to ensure that your skin tag is getting sufficient exposure.
After applying the apple cider vinegar, clean the area again. This will make sure that the area is thoroughly clean but also get rid of the pungent vinegar odor. I personally like the smell but going about your daily business smelling like vinegar might cause you to feel somewhat self- conscious.
Repeat the process daily until you start to see results. Within a few days, the skin tag should start to exhibit a change in color becoming darker and darker. This means the treatment is working and after a few more days the skin tag should just drop off.
This method is also safe to remove skin tags from your face. It is works to remove moles.
Some people recommend leaving the cotton ball in place and covering it with a band aid. The time that you leave it on your skin is not set in stone and some people recommend leaving it in place for an hour or so or even overnight.
Apple cider vinegar can also be used effectively in much the same way to treat other common skin growths such as moles or warts.
Tips on What Apple Cider Vinegar to Use
It is important to note that there is a major difference between real apple cider vinegar and the more common and much cheaper white vinegar that you see at the supermarkets. If you want to enjoy all of the goodness and healthful benefits of vinegar it is essential that you buy the real thing.
Organic apple cider vinegar is readily available in most health shops these days and when you are done with your skin tag, you can enjoy it for its general health effects and its delicious flavor alone or use it for a number of other conditions.
To be medicinally effective, the apple cider vinegar that you buy should be both organic and unpasteurized. The absolute best apple cider vinegars will contain the ‘mother’ of vinegar which looks rather unappealing but contains all of those wonderful substances that are so good for your health.
Popular organic and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar brands include Bragg apple cider vinegar, Vitacost’s apple cider vinegar and Dynamic Health apple cider vinegar. All of these brands are organic, unpasteurized and most importantly contain the ‘mother’ of vinegar.
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