What is the Pineal Gland?
Located right in the center of your brain buffeted on both sides by the hemispheres is the tiny but vitally important pineal gland. Throughout the years this gland has developed an almost mythical reputation and has been variously referred to as the ‘seat of consciousness’, ‘the gateway to the soul’, ‘the all seeing eye’ or ‘the mind’s eye’. In certain cultures it is revered as a spiritual pathway linking the physical and spiritual dimensions.
I have to admit to a degree of skepticism when it comes to metaphysical matters but whether you believe in its mystical powers or not, there is no doubt that the pineal gland is absolutely vital to good health and emotional well-being.
Approximately the size of a grain of rice, this endocrine organ must be functioning properly to ensure good health. When it is calcified, the pineal gland does not work effectively and can lead to serious health issues.
This article will look at methods of activating the gland and also keeping it healthy and de-calcified.
What does the Pineal Gland do?
Your feelings of health and well-being depend a great deal on your pineal gland. One of its major functions is to produce melatonin – a hormone responsible for sleep quality and sleep duration. It also helps to regulate the body’s circadian rhythms which are responsible for your sleep and wake patterns.
These circadian rhythms are also responsible for regulating hormone levels, reducing stress and improving physical performance and energy.
Calcification of the pineal gland occurs when crystals of calcium phosphate builds up and is said to have numerous negative health consequences including the following:
- Confusion
- Delusion
- Paranoia
- Stress and anxiety
- Depression
- Pessimism
- Envy and jealousy
How to Activate your Pineal Gland
Because of the very important role it plays in terms of stress, mood and sleep, activating the pineal gland may have major health benefits. There are several well-known methods of activating the gland.
1. Expose Yourself to the Sun
Exposure to the sun’s rays helps to stimulate the pineal gland and the mind into action. Either exposure to direct or indirect sunlight can activate your pineal gland and encouraging it to produce serotonin.
Serotonin is a vital chemical neurotransmitter which is responsible for emotional well-being and energy levels. It is not only sunlight that can help stimulate the pineal gland, even strong artificial light can kick start the process.
This is the reason you should avoid bright lights in the evening especially before bed time. At night, we need our pineal gland to suppress serotonin production and increase the production of melatonin. Turning off your lights at night help accomplish this.
2. Sun Gazing
Sun gazing as the name suggests involves gazing very briefly at the sun first thing in the morning and again just before dusk. This is a very controversial method of activating the pineal gland because of the inherent risk involved with looking at the sun for too long.
Proponents recommend gazing directly at the sun for just a second or two at a time but it is difficult to recommend this practice.
Simply going outside and spending more time in the sun can do just as much to stimulate the pineal gland as looking at the sun directly and is a much safer option.
3. Sleep in Total Darkness
Making sure that your bedroom environment is conducive to a good night’s sleep is very important. You should try to have your bedroom in complete darkness at night time making sure that curtains block out any artificial light from the outside.
It is also important not to use electronic devices like smart phones, tablets and laptops just prior to hitting the bed. Back-lit devices can actually stimulate the production of serotonin which fools the pineal gland to think it is daytime which disturbs your sleep cycles.
We need to suppress the production of serotonin and ensure that the pineal gland is instead producing the amount of melatonin necessary for deep and restful sleep.
4. Meditate
Meditation when done properly can have significant benefits on your state of mind and health. These benefits extend to the pineal gland which can be activated by bio-electric signals. It takes practice but is certainly worth a try.
5. Essential Oils
With the nose providing a direct pathway to the pineal gland and the brain, certain essential oils may help stimulate it into action. Recommended oils for this purpose include sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, helichrysum and clary sage. These essential oils have many other benefits when inhaled and a number of them can promote good sleep and reduce anxiety.
Calcification of the Pineal Gland
One of the biggest issues that affects the pineal gland is calcification. This happens when fluoride builds up in the pineal gland and leads to phosphorus crystals being formed.
This production of crystals results in a hardening of the pineal gland and renders it less effective. It produces less melatonin which results in a disruption of your sleep and wake cycles.
There is also evidence that hardening caused by fluoride accelerates the sexual development of children in particular girls and this is an obvious problem. A study dating back almost 30 years reported that 40% of children under the age of 17 had pineal gland calcification issues and since then, girls in particular are hitting puberty at a much earlier age. (1) (2)
As well as the damage caused by fluoride, other chemicals like bromine and chlorine can accumulate in the pineal gland causing further damage. There is also some evidence that calcium supplements might cause harm to the pineal gland.
This issues is related to a vitamin D deficiency because when a person is deficient in vitamin D, calcium is not as bio-available resulting in tissue becoming calcified which includes pineal gland tissue. (3)
The elimination of fluoride may be an important step towards reversing this damage. You should avoid using tap water and make sure you use fluoride free toothpastes. Make sure that you get plenty of dietary vitamin D and eat foods rich in calcium rather than taking supplementary calcium.
The sun is also the best form of natural vitamin D.
How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland
As well as avoiding fluoride, there are several ways that you can help de-calcify your pineal gland and ensure that it is working efficiently.
1) Borax
You should consult your medical adviser before using this method of pineal gland de-calcification but many experts suggest that it is effective.
- All you need to do is mix a quarter teaspoon of boron (borax) in around a liter of distilled water.
- Simply sip the mixture a little at a time for a few days.
2) Tamarind
The fruit of the tamarind tree is deliciously sweet and goes well in a number of recipes. As well as being delicious, it is believed to be very effective in expelling fluoride from your system.
There is some scientific evidence that tamarind fruit works well with one study showing that children who ate tamarind excreted far more fluoride when urinating compared to a control group. (4)
3) Zeolites
Zeolites are crystals produced through volcanic activity which may be a potent way to detoxify the system. They are believed to be able to break down hard calcium deposits and also eliminate harmful heavy metals from your body.
Make sure to research zeolites brands before trying them—as there are many types and you could end up making things worse. This article has a good breakdown of Zeolites and tells you which ones are non-toxic.
4) Iodine
If you are deficient in iodine, you run the risk of bromine, chlorine and fluoride accumulating in the body. Iodine deficiency appears to be a growing problem around the globe. Symptoms of deficiency include thyroid diseases, fatigue, hormone imbalances and feelings of cold.
You can try increasing your dietary intake of iodine through seafood and other natural means or alternatively taking iodine supplements.
5) Body Cleanses or Flushes
Flushing your system from time to time has numerous benefits for your organs and can give your body a new lease of life. There are numerous different cleansing methods available so it is important to do your research and find out which one is best for you. Regular cleansing will help eliminate harmful metals and toxins including fluoride from your body.
(1) http://www.fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/luke-1997.pdf
(2) http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/abs/10.1148/radiology.142.3.7063680?journalCode=radiology&
(3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22982792
(4) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15105030
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